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James Joseph Ong


My hobbies include listening to music, working out, hiking, and hanging out with friends. Skills I acquire include publicizing, working with Microsoft apps (Word, PowerPoint), designing, and knowledge of American politics. Skills: 1. Windows Movie Maker 2. Microsoft Powerpoint 3. Google Slides 4. Knowledge of Social Media Marketing 5. K


1. Windows Movie Maker 2. Microsoft Powerpoint 3. Google Slides 4. Knowledge of Social Media Marketing 5. Knowledge of American Politics regarding political parties and elections 6. Team Builder/Motivator

Anything else? My name is James Joseph Ong, and I am a junior marketing and sales major at The Catholic University of America in Washington D.C. I am a strong conservative who is interested in American politics and driven by promoting common-sense solutions for our country. It strikes me today that our country is in a lot of trouble. Inflation is through the roof, we have an unsecured border, crime is on the rampage, and a commander-in-chief laundering billions of dollars to a foreign nation at our expense. This should make every American citizen angry at our government for not taking responsibility for its citizens; safety and prosperity. Ever since the 2020 election, I started getting involved in political discussions when I saw how President Trump gave America the respect it long needed. He did something that not anyone since Ronald Reagan did: promote ‘peace through strength’. I hold a strong position in my school as being an effective strategist and communicator. I can give my supervisors an extra hand to reach a large audience that can be hauled in. Also, I have experience using programs such as Microsoft PowerPoint and Windows Movie Maker. Anything that involves putting videos together and snipping clips is a specialty I have on a professional level. This is going to take Americans who are ready to move in the right direction, and it starts with those who are ready to fight on the frontlines, and that is what I am!

Willing to Relocate?

Not at the moment.
